Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Leighton had a rough weekend

Leighton had to be moved this weekend from his normal room back to an ICU room. He broke out in a rash all over his side. It turned out to be chicken pox. He got it when he was a little kid. But, because he has been so physically and mentally run down it came back. He had to be put in quarantine since it is so contagious. I guess a lot of the therapists were pregnant women, so he had to stop his therapy until the rash goes away.

Leighton said that he was not feeling very good with the rash and was bummed that he had to stop his therapy after only a few days of work. Hopefully this will go away fast and he can get back after it soon.

1 comment:

  1. It is crazy what is thrown at us ... Well it is there to make us stronger!

    Think of it like this... You are in 9th place on the last lap of a heat race and you get passblocked into a tuffblock and you sift into N. You fight back and make it into the Main! It was that situation that made you a "Stronger" Rider... Just food for thought.

    Just remember what the 'N' in Champion stands for... Never Quit Believing!
